
Civic Dialogue

Civil Dialogue

Civic Dialogue (CiD), a non-partisan, multi-ethnic initiative of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from Serbia and Kosovo, was launched in 2002 to abrogate the consequences of the violent conflicts in the former Yugoslavia.

After the tragic events in 1998 and 1999 that led to a political deadlock in relations between Kosovo and Serbia, civil society leaders joined forces in a focused and sensitive engagement to facilitate dialogue, and to promote tolerance and trust, guided by a vision of a democratic and stable Balkans. 

Through policy research, regional and international conferences, workshops, publications, public debates and cultural events, the CiD designs, implements and promotes civil society-led projects that are of concern and in the interests shared by all ethnic groups in Kosovo and Serbia, including, but not limited to: coming to terms with the recent past, youth and gender issues, media freedoms, free movement of people and free trade.

The special target group of the Civic Dialogue is young people and women, and during the more than two decades of the Civic Dialogue’s existence, a number of thematic meetings, training camps and other events have been held with their organizations.

Through the sub-project Local policies in multi-ethnic communities, a partnership was achieved with about twenty local self-governments in Kosovo and several in Vojvodina, the aim of which was to improve inter-ethnic relations and the position of ethnic communities.

Civic Dialogue is an initiative that engages over 300 civil society organizations from Kosovo, Serbia and other parts of the former Yugoslavia. 

Two NGOs, the Novi Sad-based Center for Regionalism and the Pristina-based “Mother Theresa” Society, are the founding partners.

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