Dalji razvoj Civilnog dijaloga
Further Development of Civil Dialogue
The CSO Mother Teresa from Pristina and the Center for Regionalism from Novi Sad, as the founders of Civil Dialogue, will implement the project Further development of civil dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo from February 2023 to August 2026. The project was financed by the European Commission within the grant scheme Small scale projects in support of good neighborly relations between Serbia and Kosovo.
The project will have two components. Within the first component, the cooperation of youth organizations will be encouraged through small grants, and in the second component, the cooperation of local self-governments from Kosovo and Serbia.
Youth CSOs, both in Serbia and Kosovo, lack of sustainable funding for their initiatives as well as capacities for civil dialogue although they have shown in the past already that cooperation in joint projects for them is possible and provide opportunity to grow. Within the Action a public and transparent Call will be made for all youth CSOs in Serbia and Kosovo to participate in the Action and to propose their projects/activities which support joint cooperating between youth in Kosovo and Serbia in the areas of employment, education, culture and environmental protection. Through this output at least 30 youth CSO’s from Serbia and Kosovo will be selected and will participate in the Action where their activities in the field of employment, education, environmental protection
and cultural heritage will be supported. By supporting directly grass-root CSO the Action will directly support at least 100 youth from Kosovo and Serbia and will contribute in resolving their key problems such as employment, lack of adequate education and lack of adequate social activities.
10 local self-governments each from Kosovo and Serbia be included in civil dialogue. Stated local authorities lack of sufficient support in establishment of civil dialogue and improving democratisation process, particularly in relation with vulnerable groups such as youth, women, and ethnic groups (minority). Through this component/output they will receive support for their capacity building and active inclusion of minorities in the community life. By doing so they will be directly involved in improving their current situation in 20 targeted communities through direct supported actions for youth, women, and ethnic groups (minority) living in Kosovo and Serbia.