

RESEARCH IN THE MUNICIPALITIES OF PRESEVO AND BUJANOVAC Center for Regionalism researcher Jelena Perkovic visited the municipalities of Presevo ​​andBujanovac where she conducted research on the position of young women and nationalminorities. We are publishing short observations about the data […]


Center for Regionalism researcher Jelena Perkovic visited the municipalities of Presevo ​​and
Bujanovac where she conducted research on the position of young women and national
minorities. We are publishing short observations about the data that she obtained on that
occasion, and the final results of the research for each municipality will be published on the
project website.

In relation to the average age of citizens of Serbia, the residents of the Presevo ​​municipality
are a whole decade younger, which in recent years affects the political scene of this
community. The problems that Presevo ​​has been facing for a long time is the lack of
significant investments that would enable the employment of young and educated personnel.
The Office for Local Economic Development points out that Presevo ​​has poor infrastructure,
but that it is ready to start implementing the idea of ​​a free economic zone. The problem of
young people is the nostrification of diplomas obtained at the University of Pristina, which is
why they cannot find adequate employment in Serbia and decide to leave abroad en masse.
They believe that the state government is not helping them enough in their efforts to speed up
the development of their community. They have good cooperation with the Coordinating
Body of the Serbian Government for the South of Serbia.
For years, subsidies for small and medium-sized enterprises have been allocated from the
local budget, as well as incentives for private entrepreneurship, where they provide special
support to female entrepreneurs.
The local self-government tries to support all types of education, but as they point out, they do
not have enough local capacity for such types of training, so they welcome assistance from
outside their municipality.
In Presevo, inter-ethnic relations are stable and no mutual conflicts have been recorded.

In the transition period, Bujanovac was left without production capacities that were the basis
of the economic development of this municipality. The Office for Local Economic
Development points out that this is the main reason for the current situation in which there are
no significant investments in this local community, noting that work is currently being done
on the implementation of the plan for the opening of a free economic zone in which several
foreign investors are interested.
In the structure of its population, Bujanovac has a high percentage of young people who,
unfortunately, do not have great chances for employment, which is the reason why in recent
years they have gone abroad en masse. The Office for Youth points out that this is a
significant number of highly educated young people who, due to the non-recognition of
diplomas of the University of Pristina, where they were mainly educated, cannot find
adequate employment in Serbia.
The conducted research was also focused on the issue gender equality. The available data and
interviews show an effort to systematically work on women’s emancipation, economic

empowerment and social and health care, but as the interlocutors point out, the results could
be much better.
In the Council for Interethnic Relations, they highlight last year’s meetings at the local
community level where they resolved the problem of joint attendance of classes in Albanian
and Serbian language and where during that period, which lasted for several months, there
were no mutual problems.

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